
Dreaming of Paris?

The time is now to plan and create the reality.
Not only to visit the city of light,
but to hold onto that feeling day to day.

Make it happen,
no excuses.


Do what you need to do. Don’t worry about the new kitchen or sofa, they can wait. Travel cannot. There will never be a moment when you have the extra time, money and good health to leave behind your daily life without a care. Do it anyway. Your spirit demands and deserves no less.

I find that there are three primary blocks to travel. Costs, responsibilities and fear.
“I can’t afford it”. Locate your piggy bank. Where does your money go? Beyond mortgages, car payments, groceries, and things like insurance of course. Here are a few areas that stand out. Club Med kids. Expensive classes, camps, mega birthday celebrations, Disney World? Are all of those things really necessary? Most kids I know are happy with a big dose of attention and a pizza. Try treating yourself for a change. Nonsensical shopping. We all do it, out of boredom primarily. That new bag or pair of shoes will not make you happy for more than a few minutes, tops, then it’s into the closet with the rest. Personal grooming. Ten dollars versus one hundred for hair color is a good start. I balance the two, going to the salon several times a year and filling in with the boxed stuff. This goes double for mani/pedis. Easy to do yourself with all dollars saved going into the travel fund.

“How will the husband, kids, dog, cat, job manage without me?” The next big can’t has to do with our many responsibilities. Travel is therapy and much less expensive in the long run than not taking care of yourself. Put your oxygen mask on first so that you may be a stronger, happier you, fully able to take care of your crew. The intelligent partner will support you. Some will not. The house will be a disaster when you get home. Your child will come down with a rash. Said partner can step it up for a week or so. If they will not, or cannot, bargain with your best friends, sisters or cousins, taking turns manning the ship in order that each may enjoy this necessary and life changing experience. Getting time off of work is comparatively straightforward. Create a solution first, do not ask permission but present a plan instead. Work ahead to create calm and find a friend for back up while you're away, returning the favor next time she needs a break. Some people in your life may feel threatened, perhaps unable to understand your motivations. You are on a journey of rediscovering your best self and returning refreshed, renewed, and happier, giving you the energy to be an even better wife, mother, girlfriend, coworker, person.

Don’t let anyone else’s fears box you in. “What if it’s so great I never want to come home?” Don’t let your own fears stop you either. We all have our dreams, and yet we tend to get in our own way when it comes to self fulfillment. Travel is a glorious escape and coming back to reality can be difficult. But I can tell you from experience, it gets better. Eventually your home life can be nearly as satisfying as your vacation time. This is mainly due to understanding what REALLY makes you happy. I was in Hawaii recently with one of my dearest friends. After returning home a week later, I felt blue. The reason? My self care went through the floor the second I was back. In Hawaii my morning routine was healthy and zen.Waking slowly, and making time for my vitamins, a tall glass of water, a healthy and delicious breakfast of tropical fruit, and black coffee, finishing with a thorough layer of sunscreen while planning the day around what I FELT like doing, leading only from my heart. Long walks and swims figured prominently.

At home I went straight into my usual cycle of checking emails, feeding and medicating the dog, cats too, cleaning the kitchen, making something for breakfast, all while still in my pajamas and feeling not so cute. I can only imagine the heightened routine adding children to the mix. What stands out to me now, writing this, is how similar the routines are in actuality, but how different the spirit in which they are experienced.

Attitude is what seems to be what we let go of first, in aiming to please, to serve, to keep the peace, raise the children, get the job done. One day you look in the mirror and wonder who is that person and why does she look so glum? Then we take it out on ourselves, we don’t deserve pretty underwear, lovely things. Who will notice anyway? Dreams of travel remain dreams as we renovate kitchens, mindlessly shop, pay tuition and so on. I see women I knew when we young, their children with every on trend outfit, every possible class and opportunity — dance, cooking, travel to Italy — what have you. Their beautiful mother waiting, waiting for her turn. The husband cranky because he thinks he’s the hard working one.

If not now, when? You only live once. Complete clichés for certain, and yet with a resonance that grows stronger with each passing year.

Start your journey

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